
教育,让 & 成长

莫泽学习 & 发展专门从事培训项目,解决在人类发展和技术交叉领域发现的问题.

在Moser学习,培训和发展是mg官方游戏中心的激情所在. mg官方游戏中心专注于创建培训项目,以解决人类发展和技术交叉的复杂性. mg官方游戏中心的习俗, personalized classes are designed to help your workforce navigate such changes and excel in their roles and teams. At 莫泽学习, we believe learning should be tailored to the specific needs of each organization. 例如, we've seen incredible success helping businesses leverage group learning to grow team camaraderie, 处理无意识的群体偏见, 培训偶然的项目经理等等. 可以使用各种学习工具和技术, 你可以把你团队的教育提升到一个全新的水平. 联系 us today for examples of how our training programs can give your organization an extra edge!


投资于正确的领导力培训项目, managers can gain essential skills to help their teams and improve performance.


投资于正确的领导力培训项目, managers can gain essential skills to help their teams and improve performance. Moser learning的领导的必需品是一套全面的六门课程,旨在培养关键的管理能力,如决策能力, 解决问题的策略, 或者有方向和目的的领导. 研究表明,对这些基础培训的投资可以使员工的管理能力提高28%,工作绩效提高20%,这给领导者带来了宝贵的优势! Classes can be given as a full leadership journey for your team or customized to fit your specific needs.

领导的必需品 is a bundled program of six courses covering Communication Skills, 代表团, 时间管理, 决策, 促进有效会议, 和处理冲突.



无论你处于情商的哪个阶段, the good news is that you can continue to grow these skills well into old age. 在这个引人入胜的研讨会上, 参与者将探索mg官方游戏中心所说的情商的含义, 学习情商的五个维度以及如何发展自己的情商,并找出如何提高自己的技能,从而在工作场所变得更加有效. Our unique tailored EQ workshop will help your team work together, 建立友情,更好地理解彼此.

75%的财富500强企业都在进行情商培训. Higher EQ increases skills that increase personal and professional success.

Managers who demonstrate good empathy skills are able to recognize employee feelings, 建立信任, and understanding between coworkers and create a supportive work environment filled with respect and appreciation.



Empathy plays an essential role in fostering effective team collaboration. Managers who demonstrate good empathy skills are able to recognize employee feelings, 建立信任, 同事之间的理解,创造一个充满尊重和欣赏的支持性工作环境——所有这些都有助于提高士气. 莫泽学习 offers four empathy training courses to build this skill with your workforce.


工作基准 is the answer to hiring the perfect employee for the job.

美国.S. 美国劳工部(Department of Labor)估计,招聘失误可能导致雇主的损失超过员工年薪的30%.

Are you looking for an efficient way to hire the perfect employee for the job? 工作基准就是你的答案. 使用主题专家, mg官方游戏中心的流程可以快速发现所需的技能和属性,帮助您对任何工作角色做出更明智的决定. 

TTI工作基准流程是一种简单而有效的评估所需发展能力的方法, 激励因素, and behaviors for a job role while taking into account expected future performance. It also assesses how well employees match the criteria defined by your subject matter experts, enabling smarter decision-making around staffing and talent management. 从今天开始,回顾TTI的工作基准流程如何有助于您的人才管理,并为成功奠定基础!


An unhealthy amount of stress in the workplace can reduce productivity, 影响质量, 并对身体和心理健康造成损害.

An unhealthy amount of stress in the workplace can reduce productivity, 影响质量, 并对身体和心理健康造成损害. 在这个研讨会上, 参与者将探索导致他们个人压力的原因,并学习如何通过策略和技巧有效地管理它们. 此外,他们将获得工具来建立对未来压力来源的恢复能力,同时也提高整体幸福感.

美国S workforce had one of the highest daily levels of stress at 57%. (西欧为39%). ——盖洛普工作场所状况研究 

多元化、公平、包容、 & 归属感

Whether or not your company is interested in talking about diversity issues, 然而,大多数候选人在研究你的公司和面试过程中都会评估多样性.


Whether or not your company is interested in talking about diversity issues, 然而,大多数候选人在研究你的公司和面试过程中都会评估多样性.

Our diversity and inclusion training provides your teams with the knowledge to create cohesive, 积极的工作环境. Unlock potential through greater understanding of how their actions may affect those around them!




评估工具对于希望提高绩效和带领团队进一步发展的企业来说非常有价值. We offer a diverse range of assessment services leveraging the 产品 from TTI Success Insights, 旨在帮助促进员工的专业成长, 生产力水平和工作投入. 来自DISC评估, 从员工敬业度调查到压力商数评估,再到360度评估,mg官方游戏中心都能满足您组织的需求! 利用今天mg官方游戏中心广泛的评估套件,以确保每个团队成员都能发挥最大的潜力. 莫泽学习 can provide assessments to individuals, teams, groups, and facilitators. 请参阅下面的DISC个性评估信息表,它可以是一个团队学习经验,也可以在一到两个小时的会议中用于帮助个人. When combined with a 驱动力 assessment it can help you understand team and individual dynamics.


是否在工作中融入mg官方游戏中心的团队, mg官方游戏中心的同行或客户, mg官方游戏中心必须了解自己的沟通模式和领导风格,以便在mg官方游戏中心所做的每件事上都更有效.

仅培训一项就能使生产率提高22%, 但如果加上辅导,这个数字就会上升到88%.

We are all wired with our own unique style of communicating and collaborating with others. 是否在工作中融入mg官方游戏中心的团队, mg官方游戏中心的同行或客户, mg官方游戏中心必须了解自己的沟通模式和领导风格,以便在mg官方游戏中心所做的每件事上都更有效.

Successful business leaders know that adjusting their own communication style leads to better collaboration. mg官方游戏中心的培训和指导项目旨在帮助高管们了解他们如何适应不同的情况, 无论是在组织内部还是与外部联系——最终为每个参与的人带来更大的成功.

mg官方游戏中心的项目管理培训, your team can quickly learn how to get projects up and running - even if it's not their primary role.


只有 46% of organizations make project management a cultural priority — despite 统计证据 that a mature project management process makes an organization far more likely to deliver on time and under budget.

Businesses say that the biggest impact of good project management was on 团队沟通 (52%). But 44% also said that it improved the quality of the final product, 而38%的人表示它提高了客户满意度.

mg官方游戏中心的项目管理培训, your team can quickly learn how to get projects up and running - even if it's not their primary role. 建立一个坚实的技能基础,让每个人都有信心走向成功!

学习管理系统(LMS) & 管理服务

HRLearn, 一个招聘平台, 学习管理系统(LMS)是否允许组织有机会随时随地为其用户提供培训.


在这个为您的组织定制的一站式服务中,使您的员工具备在工作场所茁壮成长所需的技能,并继续授权员工进行持续的学习和发展. 莫泽的L&D团队通过自动化注册使其变得简单,这样新员工就有工具和知识开始工作,并通过让他们参与最新和最好的知识来了解你的品牌,继续在员工的成功中发挥重要作用, 产品, 服务及更多. 

盘车间: 授权人 & 团队


DISC是衡量一个人行为的标准. The DISC assessment through TTI measures how a person does what they do by looking at four factors: Dominance, 影响, 稳定, 和遵从性. DISC创建了一种围绕可观察行为的共享语言, 这反过来又改善了沟通, 订婚, 和自我发展.



驱动力是什么?? Our driving forces, or 激励因素, are the “why” behind our actions.  They are the reason we get out of bed in the morning excited about the work we do.  They determine the things we prefer in our personal lives and our job roles. 它们由6个激励因素组成, which are each divided into two distinct ways of measuring each factor. 

mg官方游戏中心去 超越技术,帮助你受教育、赋权和成长.


学习总监 & 发展


学习 & 开发经理






高级顾问 & 接触管理器


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mg官方游戏中心创造并提供商业学习体验. Because we believe that training is often just part of the solution to business problems, we incorporate an array of services and 产品 to help your employees become more productive. mg官方游戏中心根据您的特殊需要灵活地提供服务.


